Individual / company / association reports
Accounting firm - branches in Tel Aviv and Hadera.
Annual report (exempt dealer, authorized dealer, company, association):
Every business or dealer in Israel is legally obligated to submit annual reports to the authorities.
Whereas an exempt dealer is only required to submit an annual tax return, an authorized dealer, a company and an association are required to file financial statements and tax returns to the various authorities.
It is very important for the financial statements and tax returns to be properly prepared since accuracy, creative thinking and proper use of the law during the report preparation process will result in reliable and efficient reporting, which will then be used by the business owner to present to the various banks, suppliers, clients and tax authorities.
Clarkson Hyde Israel employs experienced CPAs who prepare and submit the financial report and annual tax return, placing emphasis on reliable reporting and taking advantage of all the legal benefits to achieve optimal results for the business.
In order to provide personal attention, each client is assigned an individual CPA who will prepare the financial statements and tax reports, thus ensuring that prior familiarity, additional knowledge and experience will result in financial statements guaranteeing proper control and management of the business – as well as a tax report that embodies all of the rights and benefits to which the client is entitled.